Myron Butler

Broker Associate and Loan Officer

Licensing: DRE #01403586 NMLS #336272


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In the Words of my Clients

Success Stories

"Absolutely outstanding client response and interaction with every member of the team! Calls answered personally or called back promptly, ability to handle and calm me during very stressful times, and exceptional negotiation skills! Really demonstrate
"Aaron is the best. He spent the time to thoroughly review our options to help us make the best decision, walked us through estimated costs, and worked diligently to get us to the finish line when we found our dream home. I cannot recommend Aaron enou
"I never imagined I would become a homeowner, but thanks to the incredible support and dedication of Jay Burster, my dream has come true. From the very beginning, the process was filled with challenges that gave me anxiety at every turn. However, Jay
"We would like to thank Jay Burster for his amazing work. Thank you Jay for being so attentive and quick while also making the stressful process of buying a house as smooth and quick as possible. Not only is Jay a great agent but he’s a great person,



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